So I spent Labor day at Ontario Mills. Just got plain shit. Not alot. There were alot of people there. Kinna pissed because I got a black studded belt thing & the lady fckn gave me a large. She knew I needed a small or medium because she could puncture holes to make it fit... She told me it was a small. & she had put an extra hole on the belt. & check like 5 min later if it fit, but it didn't. It was hella big. But she sold it anyways. I went back to get another size, she goes, " Sorry, I already put a hole in the belt. " I was just like wtf?! YOU SAID YOU GAVE ME A SMALL! She said, I thought I did. I go, Nope, you didn't. She didn't let me exchange it. Well whatever, at least I could try to make it work.
I'll blog again later tonight.<3

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