Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Well this is cute...
Don't talk about other girls around her.
When she stares at your mouth, kiss her.
When she pushes you or hits you cause she thinks she's stronger than you, grab her
and don't let go.
When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough, kiss her and tell her you love her.
When she's quiet, ask her whats wrong.
When she ignores you, give her your attention.
When she pulls away, pull her back.
When you see her at her worst, tell her she's beautiful.
When she's scared, protect her.
When she teases you, tease her back and make her laugh.
When she looks at you with doubt, back yourself up.
When she says that she loves you, she really does more than you can understand.
When she grabs at your hands, hold hers and play with her fingers.
When she bumps into you, bump into her back and make her laugh.
When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold.
When she looks at you in your eyes, don't look away until she does.
When she says it's over, she still wants you to be hers.
Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything.
When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go.
When she says she's okay dont believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll
remember you.
Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her.
Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid.
Give her the world.
Let her wear your clothes.
When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
Let her know she's important.
Kiss her in the pouring rain.
Haha, repost from bestfriend's littttle brothaa.
Life has been great. Thats all (:
When she stares at your mouth, kiss her.
When she pushes you or hits you cause she thinks she's stronger than you, grab her
and don't let go.
When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough, kiss her and tell her you love her.
When she's quiet, ask her whats wrong.
When she ignores you, give her your attention.
When she pulls away, pull her back.
When you see her at her worst, tell her she's beautiful.
When she's scared, protect her.
When she teases you, tease her back and make her laugh.
When she looks at you with doubt, back yourself up.
When she says that she loves you, she really does more than you can understand.
When she grabs at your hands, hold hers and play with her fingers.
When she bumps into you, bump into her back and make her laugh.
When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold.
When she looks at you in your eyes, don't look away until she does.
When she says it's over, she still wants you to be hers.
Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything.
When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go.
When she says she's okay dont believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll
remember you.
Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her.
Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid.
Give her the world.
Let her wear your clothes.
When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
Let her know she's important.
Kiss her in the pouring rain.
Haha, repost from bestfriend's littttle brothaa.
Life has been great. Thats all (:
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Spirit weeeek;
This week is Spirit week.... Lalala. I haven't been keeping up with my blog. I either get too lazy or I don't have the time to do it. Life has been GREEEATTT :) I really don't know what to be for Halloween. I have to dress up for spirit day tomorrow, but I don't even have a costume. Damnit, Oh well.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Hello 100th post.
I've been, blah all fckn weekend. Fuck this. But I'm still happy at the same time. Haha, I'm complicated. I'll blog later after I shit in my pants from seeing Paranormal Activity. Lmao!
I like this...
Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true. Love can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured.
I've been, blah all fckn weekend. Fuck this. But I'm still happy at the same time. Haha, I'm complicated. I'll blog later after I shit in my pants from seeing Paranormal Activity. Lmao!
I like this...
Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true. Love can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I've been feeling so happy. But right now, I need some... I don't know. A long drive with feel good music. No talking, just thinking. I think I'm starting to see things differently now. *sigh. Or going to the top of the world with feel good music. a;slkdjf;lkasjdlfkjlsdkfskldjhfklajshf!!! Homecoming is coming up soon.
I don't know what to say anymore...
"It takes two of us to change the world... I've got you, and you've got me."
Against the World - Robin Thicke
I love any song from him. I want someone to make me a CD of his music, or music that sounds like him. I'd appreciated it so much.
I don't know what to say anymore...
"It takes two of us to change the world... I've got you, and you've got me."
Against the World - Robin Thicke
I love any song from him. I want someone to make me a CD of his music, or music that sounds like him. I'd appreciated it so much.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
October (:
Helllo! So I don't really update this daily. Sorreehh for that. This week has been, great!(: School school schoooolll! Started confermation on Monday(: Tuesday, well I think it was Tuesday, Liezel picked me up, and we went to Sunny & then her house. Wednesday was back to school night. Thursday was a regular day, and Friday I went out with Kaaaylaa. Went to chill at her house after school with Taj since it was minimum day. Went home & got ready to go to dinner with my fam. Went to Kayla's again around 8 something then went to the block & saw When Love Happens. After the movie, we went to her brother's girlfriend's place to kick it. It was 2:30 a.m. by the time I got home. Surprised I didn't get in trouble. My little cousin turned 5 yesterday. Maaan, everyone is growing up so fast. I remember when I was my little cousin's age. I was in the Philippines when I turned 5. Hahaha. I need to go back over there. Hopefully I get to go this summer. I want a puppy. (:
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A new feel good song.
School is going good. My blog layout is under construction. I'm trying to play around with the colors. Hahaha. There is a Varsity home game tomorrow against... I'm not sure. Zero period is killing me. I'm walking in like 30 seconds after the bell rings, & she counts me late. I don't think my teacher likes me. But oh well, I really don't care. Ohh, finally starting Confirmation on Monday again (: Its my last year taking classes! I'm going to miss the friends I made there, because a lot of them don't go to La Mirada. Hopefully after we're done with classes, we'll hangout still. I'm just going to blog about random things now... Like the weather! Its been super hot the past two days. Oh, for those of you who read my blog & go to La Mirada, there is a Rally tomorrow at Lunch so you guys should go & support your team! Okay, well I have alot of homework to do. Bye (:
Oh, I kinda want these. I have no idea why. It caught my attention when I saw it online.

School is going good. My blog layout is under construction. I'm trying to play around with the colors. Hahaha. There is a Varsity home game tomorrow against... I'm not sure. Zero period is killing me. I'm walking in like 30 seconds after the bell rings, & she counts me late. I don't think my teacher likes me. But oh well, I really don't care. Ohh, finally starting Confirmation on Monday again (: Its my last year taking classes! I'm going to miss the friends I made there, because a lot of them don't go to La Mirada. Hopefully after we're done with classes, we'll hangout still. I'm just going to blog about random things now... Like the weather! Its been super hot the past two days. Oh, for those of you who read my blog & go to La Mirada, there is a Rally tomorrow at Lunch so you guys should go & support your team! Okay, well I have alot of homework to do. Bye (:
Oh, I kinda want these. I have no idea why. It caught my attention when I saw it online.

Monday, September 21, 2009
Just Friends - Musiq Soulchild
That is my song of the day (:
I am so happy. Today was a great day. (: School is going good too. I think I should take some art classes, because I really cannot draw at all. Hahahhaha.
I am so happy. Today was a great day. (: School is going good too. I think I should take some art classes, because I really cannot draw at all. Hahahhaha.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
All day,
I found my place, in the world....
Smother Me - The Used.
I think I already posted that song in a previous post. But whatever, I like it. So today, or yesterday I mean (Saturday), I woke up from my short nap at almost 10. Man, I really have a hard time sleeping. Anyways, I woke up & went to Kayla's. We went to Behrenger Park to watch her little sister's soccer practice. After that, we went to the house, then left to take the kids to Chuck-e-Cheese & LM Regional park to play & stuff. Left from there, went to the big ass Forever 21 in Anaheim for a bit, then went back to her house because her friend Danielle was there. Then Danielle drove & brought Kayla & I to Brea for a bit, then kicked it at Kay's house. Got picked up to get ready & then went to my Tita's Housewarming party. Today (Sunday), I'm gonna go take family pictures. Hahhaa.
Ugh, not in the greatest of moods at the moment.
I think I already posted that song in a previous post. But whatever, I like it. So today, or yesterday I mean (Saturday), I woke up from my short nap at almost 10. Man, I really have a hard time sleeping. Anyways, I woke up & went to Kayla's. We went to Behrenger Park to watch her little sister's soccer practice. After that, we went to the house, then left to take the kids to Chuck-e-Cheese & LM Regional park to play & stuff. Left from there, went to the big ass Forever 21 in Anaheim for a bit, then went back to her house because her friend Danielle was there. Then Danielle drove & brought Kayla & I to Brea for a bit, then kicked it at Kay's house. Got picked up to get ready & then went to my Tita's Housewarming party. Today (Sunday), I'm gonna go take family pictures. Hahhaa.
Ugh, not in the greatest of moods at the moment.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Varisty football & stuff...
So I started school, for the few of you that read my blog you already knew that. Hahahaaa, but anyways, It was alright. Not as I expected. Some group took over the table, but Nathaniel and I managed to get it back today. Haha. It was the first Varsity Home game, and uhh, we got killed... Hung out with Arlene, Ceasar, Mylee, Jonathan, Sergio, and Josh. Wasn't really feeelin it though. I was the Debbie Downer of the night. I needa be more outgoing, or talk more or whatever the hell. Well during the day, I was late to my zero period. That was suuuperrr embarrassing. Skipped 1st for ASB, hung out in the ASB room in 2nd. Then 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th were just whatever. Someone signed me up to be in the Solar Academy & VAPA Academy. Yeah, I don't even know what the hell Solar Academy is. I'm tired & hungry.

789.<3 I like you.
789.<3 I like you.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
2nd Month.<3
Summer break is done. Is it just me, or was that fast? It seems like it was just yesterday that it was the beginning of the summer, & I had nothing to do, wishing that summer would go by faster so I could go to school, giving me something to do for the day. Wow, time does really go by fast. This break was enjoyable. Didn't do too much, but its alright. I'm glad that I have become good friends with the people I faded away from. First day of school on Thursday. 1st Varsity home game on Friday. Ready for what else comes at me this year & I hope it goes good.
So tonight is the last night I'm going to stay up hellla late. Well actually, I don't choose to, I just can't sleep. Blog later. Byeee.
Summer break is done. Is it just me, or was that fast? It seems like it was just yesterday that it was the beginning of the summer, & I had nothing to do, wishing that summer would go by faster so I could go to school, giving me something to do for the day. Wow, time does really go by fast. This break was enjoyable. Didn't do too much, but its alright. I'm glad that I have become good friends with the people I faded away from. First day of school on Thursday. 1st Varsity home game on Friday. Ready for what else comes at me this year & I hope it goes good.
So tonight is the last night I'm going to stay up hellla late. Well actually, I don't choose to, I just can't sleep. Blog later. Byeee.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Ontario Mills.
So I spent Labor day at Ontario Mills. Just got plain shit. Not alot. There were alot of people there. Kinna pissed because I got a black studded belt thing & the lady fckn gave me a large. She knew I needed a small or medium because she could puncture holes to make it fit... She told me it was a small. & she had put an extra hole on the belt. & check like 5 min later if it fit, but it didn't. It was hella big. But she sold it anyways. I went back to get another size, she goes, " Sorry, I already put a hole in the belt. " I was just like wtf?! YOU SAID YOU GAVE ME A SMALL! She said, I thought I did. I go, Nope, you didn't. She didn't let me exchange it. Well whatever, at least I could try to make it work.
I'll blog again later tonight.<3

I'll blog again later tonight.<3

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
So, I'm not
Going to Melrose... :\ People are coming to my house to do stuff. Getting a new TV to put into my room so I could get a desk. Also getting new tv's to put into my sisters & parents room. Then having the carpet cleaned. So we have to move everything. I woke up hella early to finish, and I successfully finished my room. I just need to finish my mom's room, but she keeps saying, "Just wait!" every time I try to start to move things. I need to get things done... NOW!
I love me some good quality "LA time."
Ohh, & my mom thinks I look like the girl on Ceasar's shirt & so do a few other people. But I see no resemblance.

Sorry for the shitty picture quality. I reallly really need to start taking my baby Nikon D90 out more often.
I love me some good quality "LA time."
Ohh, & my mom thinks I look like the girl on Ceasar's shirt & so do a few other people. But I see no resemblance.

Sorry for the shitty picture quality. I reallly really need to start taking my baby Nikon D90 out more often.
I NEED TO GO. I love it there. Hopefully I go, and kick it with babayyyyRase<3 I need to wake up early enough to help my mom & then go to Kay's. I'm offf my laptop. Calll if you need or want something. HAHAHA. bye.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Shushh baby, shut your eyes.

Shirt from I forgot where
Hollister Shorts
Chukka Boot (Black Suede)
Got off of working registration early. Thought about staying until 3, but I just left. Slow day today. Worked in the book room with Natalie & Jordi. BORING. Wore the HUF Vans today. Realllyyy reaaallyy liking them. Hopefully going to Melrose tomorrow. & Hopefully not staying home all day today, or for the rest of the day that is...

Shirt from I forgot where
Hollister Shorts
Chukka Boot (Black Suede)
Got off of working registration early. Thought about staying until 3, but I just left. Slow day today. Worked in the book room with Natalie & Jordi. BORING. Wore the HUF Vans today. Realllyyy reaaallyy liking them. Hopefully going to Melrose tomorrow. & Hopefully not staying home all day today, or for the rest of the day that is...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"Fresh, like I'm wrapped in plastic. Polo, Louis to Gucci like that's one fresh jacket!"
I'm pretty happy with my schedule. Not the fact that I have a zero though. Late starts aren't even late starts, but whatever. Not complaining. (: Haha, so I changed the language on this to Tagalog. So everything on the page is in Tagalog now. I'm in a good moood for some weird reason. But I'm sleeeeppyyy. ZzZzzzZZz...<3333
I'm pretty happy with my schedule. Not the fact that I have a zero though. Late starts aren't even late starts, but whatever. Not complaining. (: Haha, so I changed the language on this to Tagalog. So everything on the page is in Tagalog now. I'm in a good moood for some weird reason. But I'm sleeeeppyyy. ZzZzzzZZz...<3333
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Working at Registration tmrw. 7:30 to 3:30. Went to my god sister's birthday party today. (: She is so cute. Growing up sooo fast. I am happily satisfied.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Dinner & Pics from Cousinss.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Convo with Kay.
kaylasayzdis: ima get it done it la
LOVELYJASMINEE: when are you taking pictures?
kaylasayzdis: :)
kaylasayzdis: yah where lauren conrad gets hers
kaylasayzdis: haha yah kanyes takin me
kaylasayzdis: i didnt tell you?
kaylasayzdis: thats my homie!
kaylasayzdis: fareal? bout wat?
kaylasayzdis: haha
LOVELYJASMINEE: that hes gna take you?
kaylasayzdis: hahaha ohhh yah yah hes been callin me soo annoyin
kaylasayzdis: ahahahaahahaha
LOVELYJASMINEE: hahaha, woww, i wish i was you!
kaylasayzdis: i noe like kayne sed "LIVING IN THE GOOD LIFE"
kaylasayzdis: hah
LOVELYJASMINEE: maan, who else do you know?
kaylasayzdis: drake
kaylasayzdis: one my spare time i go to the studio wit him and help him rite song
kaylasayzdis: s
kaylasayzdis: songs
LOVELYJASMINEE: oh wtf? so you're the fckn best? best he's ever had?
kaylasayzdis: yep yep yep you noe it
kaylasayzdis: ahahahahahaha
Self explanatory.
LOVELYJASMINEE: when are you taking pictures?
kaylasayzdis: :)
kaylasayzdis: yah where lauren conrad gets hers
kaylasayzdis: haha yah kanyes takin me
kaylasayzdis: i didnt tell you?
kaylasayzdis: thats my homie!
kaylasayzdis: fareal? bout wat?
kaylasayzdis: haha
LOVELYJASMINEE: that hes gna take you?
kaylasayzdis: hahaha ohhh yah yah hes been callin me soo annoyin
kaylasayzdis: ahahahaahahaha
LOVELYJASMINEE: hahaha, woww, i wish i was you!
kaylasayzdis: i noe like kayne sed "LIVING IN THE GOOD LIFE"
kaylasayzdis: hah
LOVELYJASMINEE: maan, who else do you know?
kaylasayzdis: drake
kaylasayzdis: one my spare time i go to the studio wit him and help him rite song
kaylasayzdis: s
kaylasayzdis: songs
LOVELYJASMINEE: oh wtf? so you're the fckn best? best he's ever had?
kaylasayzdis: yep yep yep you noe it
kaylasayzdis: ahahahahahaha
Self explanatory.
"So how does this happen?"
No meat, no meet, no meeting.
I'm freakin tired. I'm sleepy. But I just don't feel like going to sleep just yet. Saw my cousins tonight.<3 Sooo funny. Post more in a bit.
No meat, no meet, no meeting.
I'm freakin tired. I'm sleepy. But I just don't feel like going to sleep just yet. Saw my cousins tonight.<3 Sooo funny. Post more in a bit.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Cater 2 U.
I need to kick it with people like this. YEE!
TODAY FUCKING FAILED. No joke. WTF. Kinna in a bad mood. Hopefully my feel good playlist cheers me up. There is a cell phone that keeps fckn ringing, but I can't find it. Its bugging the hell outta me. I don't know what to say right now. Peace.
Fckknnn shit, I realized that I can't stay mad or pissed at you for more than like an hour. WTF. *sigh. I didn't realize that it was already passed 9 p.m. & still, no one is home. Boring ass Saturday. I want to see Inglorious Bastards. San Pedro tomorrow morning for Brunch at Ports O Call? I thinkk? One of my favorite places to go and chill. Then my baby cousin's birthday party. I miss them all.
<3 <--- that heart is for you.
Oh how I wish of that wish... I'm tired. I hope tomorrow turns out okay. Well technically today, not tomorrow... Well tomorrow too I guess. I get to see my cousinsss.<3 I love the weather. Goodnight.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
No more,
Myspace. Yeeaap. It got deleted. I neeeed to do something today. :\ Uhh, nothing really to say. Update later.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
This feeeling,
Sucks. I don't know what to do anymore. It comes, then it goes. & It makes me wonder that if there is really something worth trying for. We'll just have to find out.
So, I didn't end up going to sleep early last night. Slept around 3 ish? Woke up reaaally late. Meeting was at 10. Set my alarm to 8 because I knew I would just turn it off, & thats exactly what I did. I turned it off. I ended up waking up because Kayla called me at around 9:50. Didn't even get ready, I just did the basics and then left. 2 hour meeting because I had to wait for Kayla. So after the meeting, Kayla and I walked around for a little bit. Then we walked to her house, ate, & then went to Albertsons. Went back to her house, and just chilled for a little bit. Then my mom picked me up. Mom, cousin & I went to Sports Authority, Best Buy, & then went to get some food to bring to my grandparents house. Stayed at my grandparents for a little bit & then I had the urge to want to go running or walking. So I got changed, and left. Kicked it with Zach for a little bit & then walked home. Took a shower, and now I'm wondering if I am still going to Kayla's house.
I think I want to go swimming or something tomorrow. Just want to get out of the house and soak up summer as much as I can before it break ends. *sigh. It went back pretty fast, but I can't wait until this school year starts. I'm excited. :)
So, I didn't end up going to sleep early last night. Slept around 3 ish? Woke up reaaally late. Meeting was at 10. Set my alarm to 8 because I knew I would just turn it off, & thats exactly what I did. I turned it off. I ended up waking up because Kayla called me at around 9:50. Didn't even get ready, I just did the basics and then left. 2 hour meeting because I had to wait for Kayla. So after the meeting, Kayla and I walked around for a little bit. Then we walked to her house, ate, & then went to Albertsons. Went back to her house, and just chilled for a little bit. Then my mom picked me up. Mom, cousin & I went to Sports Authority, Best Buy, & then went to get some food to bring to my grandparents house. Stayed at my grandparents for a little bit & then I had the urge to want to go running or walking. So I got changed, and left. Kicked it with Zach for a little bit & then walked home. Took a shower, and now I'm wondering if I am still going to Kayla's house.
I think I want to go swimming or something tomorrow. Just want to get out of the house and soak up summer as much as I can before it break ends. *sigh. It went back pretty fast, but I can't wait until this school year starts. I'm excited. :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
I'm thinking,
That I need a new Avy... Just don't know what picture yet. I need to sleep early tonight. Because I have to wake up early tmrw. Hopefully I get to go out this weekend. I'm not looking forward to staying home again if I can't.
I woke up super happy &super irritated.
Didn't really sleep last night.
"This probably isn't the first time this has happened. Relax."
-Kristen Blanco
Maan, last night was... I really don't have the words to explain it. -_-
Didn't really sleep last night.
"This probably isn't the first time this has happened. Relax."
-Kristen Blanco
Maan, last night was... I really don't have the words to explain it. -_-
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Well then I guess,
I'm going to apply to Disneyland when I turn 17. Talked about it with my family, they said it'd be a nice job while I'm young. Not feeelin good right now.
IMY. 789<3
IMY. 789<3
Friday, August 14, 2009
Reaaaallly tired.
Didn't sleep until around 5. Can't sleep early, even if I tried. Like last night, took me four hours. Ahh. Shit, topping it off, people kept calling my phone around 7:30. Weirdest missed call was from a Rehabilitation/Therapy Medical Center Hospital thing. WTF? Kinna weird. Called the number back and it said to call a different number, I called and some lady answered and I told her I got a missed call from the number, and she goes, "It could be anywhere in the hospital." Right when she said hospital I was just thinking like WTF? Who called me from here? Whaaaaat?! & my cousin constantly comes in and out of my room. Would freakin be on the phone talking hella loud thinking I'm a heavy sleeper &that I don't hear him. I finally told him to GTFO. &now he came back, and is sleeping on my bed. -_- Getting ready and gonna to Cerritos for whaaatever. Peace&Love.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Boy I need,
"You to meet me half way, if you want me to be with you."
Fallin Out - Keisha Cole
Man, I haven't been sleeping on time. I sleep at like 4 or 5 or 6. I NEED to sleep earlier. I need a job too. -_- Feeeelin lazy. I think i'll go to the mall to kill time or something. Update later. Bye.
Fallin Out - Keisha Cole
Man, I haven't been sleeping on time. I sleep at like 4 or 5 or 6. I NEED to sleep earlier. I need a job too. -_- Feeeelin lazy. I think i'll go to the mall to kill time or something. Update later. Bye.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Because I am,
"A superwoman, yes I am."
I honestly have been kinna out of it lately. Not really being myself. No clue why. I'm still waiting for the right light to come on. Or the right door to open. I wish I went to core camp, because then it probably would have went on or opened. Suddenly when something doesn't go right, something else that didn't go right before, goes right. What the helll? If you get what I mean, whoever is reading this. I really want school to start. Or at least have registration already. This summer has been... I don't even know. I miss last summer though. Anyways, I didn't do much today. Went to Albertsons, Carls Jr., &Sams Club. I was minding my own business walking around Sams Club with my cousin getting whatever we needed to get & some random guy yells, "DEENG! Your Jordans are dope!" What the... I just started laughing. No idea why. I passed by my old dance studio today too & I realized how much I really miss dancing. (Melanie just said "Long Beezy." I just thought it was funnny. Hahahah!) Thank god for feel good music. It has gotten me in such a great mood &now i'm all smiley. :D
-Jasmine <3
I honestly have been kinna out of it lately. Not really being myself. No clue why. I'm still waiting for the right light to come on. Or the right door to open. I wish I went to core camp, because then it probably would have went on or opened. Suddenly when something doesn't go right, something else that didn't go right before, goes right. What the helll? If you get what I mean, whoever is reading this. I really want school to start. Or at least have registration already. This summer has been... I don't even know. I miss last summer though. Anyways, I didn't do much today. Went to Albertsons, Carls Jr., &Sams Club. I was minding my own business walking around Sams Club with my cousin getting whatever we needed to get & some random guy yells, "DEENG! Your Jordans are dope!" What the... I just started laughing. No idea why. I passed by my old dance studio today too & I realized how much I really miss dancing. (Melanie just said "Long Beezy." I just thought it was funnny. Hahahah!) Thank god for feel good music. It has gotten me in such a great mood &now i'm all smiley. :D
-Jasmine <3
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mel, I agree with you. Shhhh (: Only between us!
Anyways, yesterday I just stayed home. Today, I went to family sports. I must say, thats my all time favorite store. My dad brought me home some new shoes today. Thats all.
Anyways, yesterday I just stayed home. Today, I went to family sports. I must say, thats my all time favorite store. My dad brought me home some new shoes today. Thats all.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Its been a month, today. [: Hopefully, I get to see bbyRase today. UFC tonight at my house. BJ Penn all the way!
Didn't see bbyRase today. I played xbox for like 3 hours haha. Went to Cerritos to pick up some food, &then Kuya Nate was at the house and we watched UFC with the family. My day was okay.
Didn't see bbyRase today. I played xbox for like 3 hours haha. Went to Cerritos to pick up some food, &then Kuya Nate was at the house and we watched UFC with the family. My day was okay.
Cause this was cute,
Friday, August 7, 2009
I MISSSS YOUUUUUUUU, and your voices you use to make me think you're someone else. THANKS FOR THAT btw. Making me feel all dumb. <3
Smalll party for cousin's 18th Birthday tomorrow. Haircut today. K, i'm out.
Smalll party for cousin's 18th Birthday tomorrow. Haircut today. K, i'm out.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Until 5 a.m.
Cause apparently, "Mrs/Miss. Rase has National Geographic lips." or somethinnn like that.
Slept early, ended up waking up waaaaay sooner than I expected... Didn't sleep til 5. woke up around 30-40 min ago. Maaan, Shoes shoes shoes in my head all day. WTF.
Slept early, ended up waking up waaaaay sooner than I expected... Didn't sleep til 5. woke up around 30-40 min ago. Maaan, Shoes shoes shoes in my head all day. WTF.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Non-SB Lakers Dunk Hi’s

I want these.
"Non-SB Lakers Dunk Hi’s will make their way into stores early next year.
The nice blend of purple mesh and yellow accents applied to these Dunks is screaming for some Lakers attention. Peep the gum sole, sweet! These Dunks are slated for a Spring 2010 release, so someone e-mail Kobe a link to this post."
Copied from:
Monday, August 3, 2009
So I decided to change the header thing above ^^^
Haha, I miss my best friend. She made me be in the middle with her because I was being a party pooper.
Didn't do much today. Got bored, so I walked down to CVS and Jack in the Box -_- . Now i'm just waiting for time to pass... Even though its like almost 11:30 or whatever.
Haha, I miss my best friend. She made me be in the middle with her because I was being a party pooper.
Didn't do much today. Got bored, so I walked down to CVS and Jack in the Box -_- . Now i'm just waiting for time to pass... Even though its like almost 11:30 or whatever.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
"What the fizzle?"
Awww, just like old times. I miss talking to my bestfriendd! I didn't end up going anywhere tonight. Arlene left, so I was kinda stuck at home.
Reeaallly? Wowww,
Arlene said she doesn't like Mexican food. SMH. Freal. How can you not? Oh welll. We're thinking of doing something tonight, but we don't know what to do. I think we'll go to AMC 20 in NorWHACK. Wanted to go to dunkxchange. But that didn't happen. -_- Went to my uncle's friend's wedding. Super long ceremony. I wanna dance tonight... I wanna toast tonight... I spend my money tonight... Okaaaay, bye.
I've been staying up too late. Arlene fell asleep on me. I feel lonely. Ceasar is sleepy too.. :\ I'm not sleeeepy though! AHHHHHHH.
Friday, July 31, 2009
It feeels so gooood,
"In my hooood, tonight!"
Went to a Mehndi party tonight for my uncle's friend's wedding. It was chill. Their family is so nice and caring.

My back is REAAAALLLYYY killing me. So is my neck. :\
Went to a Mehndi party tonight for my uncle's friend's wedding. It was chill. Their family is so nice and caring.
My back is REAAAALLLYYY killing me. So is my neck. :\
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Good Afternoooon,
Man, I fully woke up at around 2:30. Haven't done that in a while. Mehndi tonight. I wonder how Core Camp is. I want Jamba Juice.
Last nights convo was... interesting.
Lamb? Ceasar has a little lamb. That's fucking sad. First time in a long time that I laughed so hard that I cried. Haaaa.
Last nights convo was... interesting.
Lamb? Ceasar has a little lamb. That's fucking sad. First time in a long time that I laughed so hard that I cried. Haaaa.
Last minute Pho run...
PHO (fuhhhhh)
A Vietnamese thinly sliced meat and noodle soup dish. The soup includes noodles made from rice and is often served with basil, lime, sprouts and peppers that are added to the soup by the customer (as well as any condiments desired).
Spring Rolls
Non-fried spring rolls are typically bigger and more savory. In contrast, non-fried spring rolls typically fill the wrapping with pre-cooked ingredients. Vietnamese salad roll, is translated as spring roll, while some others prefer the term "summer roll." Ingredients include slivers of boiled pork or shrimp, fresh herbs, lettuce, sometimes fresh garlic chives, rice vermicelli, all wrapped in moistened rice paper, served cold with dipping sauce.
Red Bean Ice Bar
(I already at the ice pop, because it started melting... Sorry) Ice pop/candy is basically a popsicle made usually from a combination of fruit and water. Or in this case, red beans and milk.
Pho 21 in Buena Park I believe? Its next to Ralphs. The Ice Pop is from a few stores down called Cake House. They have good pastries too. Buying the ice pop for $1.50 is really well worth it, even if the portion of the Popsicle is not big.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I wanna,
"Dance tonight, I wanna toast tonight, I spend my money tonight."
So, I got my hair done today. Its a reddish brown, kinna? Its dark. Ms. Ramirez did a great job. I recommend you go to her. I'll post info on the place at the bottom of this post. Anyways, besides getting my hair done, I just went to breakfast with my grandparents and my sister, went to target, and went to the store. I just had breakfast for dinner. Blueberry pancakes and a smoothie. Its hot.
5423 Beach Blvd
Buena Park, CA 90621
Ask for Lisa Ramirez, and say that Jasmine Miranda told you bout it[: & let me know if you need more info, or if you went.
So, I got my hair done today. Its a reddish brown, kinna? Its dark. Ms. Ramirez did a great job. I recommend you go to her. I'll post info on the place at the bottom of this post. Anyways, besides getting my hair done, I just went to breakfast with my grandparents and my sister, went to target, and went to the store. I just had breakfast for dinner. Blueberry pancakes and a smoothie. Its hot.
5423 Beach Blvd
Buena Park, CA 90621
Ask for Lisa Ramirez, and say that Jasmine Miranda told you bout it[: & let me know if you need more info, or if you went.
End of time,
End Of Time Lullaby Remix - Krystle Tugadi
Listen to it. [:
People really need to get over things. I mean really, they just try to mess up things for other people when clearly, they shouldn't. They should be happy and respect that person and their decisions. No matter what has happened before, they seriously need to respect that other person's privacy, and life. Freal, tell me now, if you were put in the situation that somebody was talking ish to you, and made you upset, wouldn't you want to not stop and even think about the past? Or anything? & just get over it and continue with life? Get over it. Stop bringing others down. No joke, you should really ask your friends how they feel. Go on with ya life, seriously. Tell me bloggers, what do YOU think?
Listen to it. [:
People really need to get over things. I mean really, they just try to mess up things for other people when clearly, they shouldn't. They should be happy and respect that person and their decisions. No matter what has happened before, they seriously need to respect that other person's privacy, and life. Freal, tell me now, if you were put in the situation that somebody was talking ish to you, and made you upset, wouldn't you want to not stop and even think about the past? Or anything? & just get over it and continue with life? Get over it. Stop bringing others down. No joke, you should really ask your friends how they feel. Go on with ya life, seriously. Tell me bloggers, what do YOU think?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
"Isn't just about what one person thinks. life doesn't revolve around just one person matter how tough a situation could get, how you feel and what you think could be a completely different story from what the other person feels and what they think. communication is always key in a relationship...don't abuse it. where will constant fighting lead you to. heartbreaks and crying? your partner might not realize the impact they're putting on the relationship, but..a relationship is about two people, not one's selfish assumptions- have you heard your partners side of the story? problems like these you need to talk it out. you can't be greedy and only remark what you think... getting pissed about everything also won't help either. so think about it.. if you really wanted the relationship to last, you can't blame the other person..."
Copied from Liezel's Blog.
Copied from Liezel's Blog.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Got back from Vegas yesterday. Arlene & Vanessa came and slept over last night. Kicked it at Cerritos today with Courtney. Met up with bbyRASE, and then went night swimming. Home now, fat fckn headache & I'm tired. Arlene&Vanessa sleepover part 2. We'll see what happens. Fck, its never a whole day. Always just not more than at least 2 hrs. AHHHHHHHHH. asdfghjkl;
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009

arlene yadig: BI FUCKING POLAR.
HAHAHA. "Reaall fckn cute."
&I LOVE LIFE. Olddd picture.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The remix of I'm Yours by Jason Mraz that was on 97.1 right now was pretty dope. Haaa. So I'm home, bbysitting my little sister. All she does is sleep, most of the time. Gotta wake up bbyRASE at 11:30. Stayed up until 3:30. APPARENTLY, I can't keep a conversation. Well actually, thats kinna true :\ So anyways, I'm tryna to learn Guitar & Piano again... I finally got the keyboard in my room, & I'm attempting to learn off Youtube. Haha. Oh, I just found that remix of I'm Yours. Hahaha.
Monday, July 20, 2009
I think it's great that everyone who kinna faded away from being reallly close friends, are becoming friends again. But I don't think its great that a number of my friends are getting into bad habits. :\ Oh well, what can I do? Oh, so yesterday, I just went to dinner. The day before, I went to West Co and a party. Nothing exciting. I only slept a little over 2 hours last night. Haa.
"Oh you cried over me?"
"Oh yeaah! I did!"
"Aww why?!"
errr, some ish like that. Haha[:
I do, I do. We neeeeeda hangout, sir!
"Oh you cried over me?"
"Oh yeaah! I did!"
"Aww why?!"
errr, some ish like that. Haha[:
I do, I do. We neeeeeda hangout, sir!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Urge to blog,
So yeaah, I had the urge to blog right now. Haha. I wasn't going to, because I really don't know what to say. Just on the phone...
Ceasar says, "Much love&peace, check out my blog at "
Ceasar says, "Much love&peace, check out my blog at "
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Its already hot in my grandma's house, and it's only 7 something. I'm still really tired. Arlene came over around 9 and we stayed at my house until like 12:30, and then walked to my grandparents house, then went swimming and Courtney came. Stayed at the pool until about 5. Went to the gym later at night. I think I'll go back to sleep.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
She's the kinnna girll you wanna marry;
"The kind of girl you'd walk the whole world for."
Wanna Love You Girl - Robin Thicke
Yesterday, I had an ASB meeting. Just cleaned the room and whatnot. I don't think i'm going to Core Camp anymore. Lunch at Red Robin today with haha I don't even know who's gna go. Then maybe kick it after. I really hate my phone, its lagging. Whoever I call or calls me can hardly hear me. Oh well whatever.
I didn't end up going to Lunch... Hahaha, met up with Lindsay and Arlene to get yogurt at BerryCool, and then decided to take "cue" pictures at the asian comic book store next to that. Then came home, went to Walmart, CVS, and 7-eleven. Then just came back from the gym. I'm energized. Tmrw, gna wake up at 7 and go running with Arlene. Pool around 12. Haha.
Wanna Love You Girl - Robin Thicke
Yesterday, I had an ASB meeting. Just cleaned the room and whatnot. I don't think i'm going to Core Camp anymore. Lunch at Red Robin today with haha I don't even know who's gna go. Then maybe kick it after. I really hate my phone, its lagging. Whoever I call or calls me can hardly hear me. Oh well whatever.
I didn't end up going to Lunch... Hahaha, met up with Lindsay and Arlene to get yogurt at BerryCool, and then decided to take "cue" pictures at the asian comic book store next to that. Then came home, went to Walmart, CVS, and 7-eleven. Then just came back from the gym. I'm energized. Tmrw, gna wake up at 7 and go running with Arlene. Pool around 12. Haha.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Yesterday I went to bestfriend's Surprise party & then her house after for a bit. ASB meeting today at 1:30. Tired as fck.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Hello [:
It was hot today. I kicked it at my cousins house and waited until someone got to her house. Haha, weird because I just sat in her room watching tv for like an hour and a half with no one there. WTF? Hahaha. Then walked over to my other cousins house for her birthday/graduation party. Came home, and had a party thing for my dad's birthday. Party tomorrow. [: Hopefully this upcoming week goes good. G'night. Oh, by the way, I want that Inhabited shirt shipped to me, Alex Sia! [:

Friday, July 10, 2009
If you here this message
"Wherever you stand, i'm calling every woman, i'm calling every man. We're the generation that can't afford to wait, the future started yesterday, and we're already late."
If you're Out There - John Legend
Ended up going to the Block yesterday with Arlene. Got some cheap pizza. HAHAHA. Went to lunch with the family, and Cerritos Mall. Had dinner at my grandma's with the family. Tomorrow is my dad's & cousin's birthday. UFC at the house, and cousins party at her house. I'm tired. G'night.
If you're Out There - John Legend
Ended up going to the Block yesterday with Arlene. Got some cheap pizza. HAHAHA. Went to lunch with the family, and Cerritos Mall. Had dinner at my grandma's with the family. Tomorrow is my dad's & cousin's birthday. UFC at the house, and cousins party at her house. I'm tired. G'night.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Went to the pool, once again. Kicked it with a few people. Kinna got boring. Gna go to the Block, or Best friend's scrimmage game thing at 8. It is hot. "Life Lover<3."
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hi [:
So, today... I went down to the pool again with Arlene&Jessica. Nikki visited for a little, and then Cody came to kick it for a bit. I must say, I got pretty tanned, or if you're Ceasar, I'm "burnt" or "burned" or whatever. Left the pool around 4:30 or something, then got ready to go to the mall. Hahaha. Picked up Arlene, and met up with Ceasar and his friends there. Now i'm home. I don't have anything else to say. I'm happy. [: & i'm a "LIFE LOVER." <3
So, today... I went down to the pool again with Arlene&Jessica. Nikki visited for a little, and then Cody came to kick it for a bit. I must say, I got pretty tanned, or if you're Ceasar, I'm "burnt" or "burned" or whatever. Left the pool around 4:30 or something, then got ready to go to the mall. Hahaha. Picked up Arlene, and met up with Ceasar and his friends there. Now i'm home. I don't have anything else to say. I'm happy. [: & i'm a "LIFE LOVER." <3
But I wish you the best,
"I guess. Cuz everybody knows that no body really knows, how to make it work."
Everybody Knows - John Legend
I still really like that song. Gna go to the pool today, I think Arlene is coming too. Hit me up if you wanna come. I'll give directions.
Update Later.
Everybody Knows - John Legend
I still really like that song. Gna go to the pool today, I think Arlene is coming too. Hit me up if you wanna come. I'll give directions.
Update Later.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The whole summer now. Except July 20 something to August 1st. Going to Core Camp those days. Lets do something. Kicked it with some people at the pool yesterday. That was pretty chill. Party this weekend, finally. April's Quince in August. Life is amazing. Don't feel like writing anything else. Haha.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Movie night was a fail. Just went to Target, got take out sushi, and kicked it at home, oh and cleaned. Gonna go out tomorrow, hopefully.<3
Decided to edit this thing. I feel fckn disgusting right now. Feeling pretty sick. :\ Ugh, now I don't know what to write anymore. Won't be able to sleeeep. Text/Call if ya want.
Decided to edit this thing. I feel fckn disgusting right now. Feeling pretty sick. :\ Ugh, now I don't know what to write anymore. Won't be able to sleeeep. Text/Call if ya want.
Friday, July 3, 2009
LM regional;
Was not as I expected... Freakin hot during the day, and then I got super cold at night. Didn't do much. Walked around, sat, ate, talked, walked more, kept walking, walk, walk, walk & more walking. Hahaha, I just realized my phone died. If anyone is free tomorrow, LMK. I got something in mind. I'm pretty tired tonight & it is only 11 something. Text/Call if you need somethin.
But I just gotta say,
"I wanna be on you."
Be On You - Flo Rida Ft. Ne-Yo
Working and kickin it at La Mirada Regional today. Leaving at 3. I really really really like this video.
Update later.
Be On You - Flo Rida Ft. Ne-Yo
Working and kickin it at La Mirada Regional today. Leaving at 3. I really really really like this video.
Update later.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I don't think ya beautiful,
"I think you're beyond it."
Every Girl - Lil' Wayne
Sooo, I didn't realize it was 5 something already. I have a headache, and I'm kinna irritated. :\ Gotta work tomorrow for that thing at the park. You should go. It's going to be at La Mirada Regional tomorrow starting at 4 I think? Then fireworks later on that night... Whoever wants to chill tomorrow night or on July 4th, just LMK. Text/Call or whatever. Movie night; my house?

I currently want these. <3
Every Girl - Lil' Wayne
Sooo, I didn't realize it was 5 something already. I have a headache, and I'm kinna irritated. :\ Gotta work tomorrow for that thing at the park. You should go. It's going to be at La Mirada Regional tomorrow starting at 4 I think? Then fireworks later on that night... Whoever wants to chill tomorrow night or on July 4th, just LMK. Text/Call or whatever. Movie night; my house?
I currently want these. <3
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